Monday, January 3, 2011

Make-up renditions

So today after I exchanged a pair of my new fabulous leopard print wedges, I stopped in Sephora. You know, just to look around. But after 15 minutes in the place, I realized how inspired I was to buy out the store! Seriously, so many style books and shadow pallets, I had to try some on- myself. My attempt at the smokey eye wasn't exactly as successful as this, but I did a pretty good job with the different shades of browns, bronze, etc etc. I even came home to receive a compliment from my girl (sister) :) Yeah, so I will for sure be going back there, there were a few sets I want to purchase and they had a great variety of brushes! Anyways, I hope to try this out someday, if not it will just be my smokey eye inspiration! -the glitter.

Ps. Sorry I haven't posted lately, camera is a bust and I've been busy. Like, a lot busy! But I will pick up, soon :).

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